Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Monsters University

I love animated movies. More than any 21-year-old girl should. And is it just me, or does Disney-Pixar always do it right?

I'm not typically a fan of sequels, unless it's a book-series-turned-movie situation. But Disney-Pixar never disappoints. Toy Story 1/2/3? Genius! And it was genius particularly for kids around my age, because we literally grew up with Andy. I watched Toy Story 3 the summer before I left for college (and bawled my eyes out, I might add) when Andy was getting ready to leave for college. It was perfect.

Even with that being said, I was still a little skeptical when I heard about Monsters University. Sequels just make me nervous! And I love Monsters, Inc. I mean, come on. Everyone remembers this, right?


So, on Sunday, I went to see it with a good friend of mine, Christian, with a slightly heavy heart. I was excited, but I didn't want to be disappointed. Well, I WASN'T. They did it so right! They made it where it would be funny for kids, but hilarious for college students (and adults of all ages). They had all the details. A Monsters University Alma Mater, a Greek system with "Scare Games" between the different fraternities and sororities, a student cracked out the morning of finals carrying cups of coffee in all 6 of his hands... Perfect, I'm telling you.

So, without revealing anything else, I highly recommend it. If you have a kid, go see it. If you're a college student, go see it. If you've ever been a college student and would like to reminisce, go see it. Or no matter what your background, go. It's awesome. I laughed more than any of the (screaming) small children there.


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