Friday, May 10, 2013

The End of an Era!

For those of you that know me, you know that "Friends" is my favorite television show of all time. Which is really saying a lot. I love a lot of shows.

Pause. Let me start with this.

Today ended my two year run at the Chi Omega sorority house at OU. My friend Katharine and I lived together the full two years. Next year, we're living in separate houses. I would go into more detail but it's hard to type through my tears. Our goodbye was similar to this:

If you know us at all, you know that I'm not kidding. And next year, when we live in different houses (we'll be right next door to each other... but c'mon!), this will be us on a daily basis:

I'm Chandler, in case you were wondering.

 If you're reading this and you don't like Friends, you probably don't find this funny at all. But then again, if you don't like Friends, we probably aren't friends. Just kidding. Sort of.

Living in a sorority house is... interesting, to say the least. Oh, you wanted to sleep at 2 a.m.? Ha, ha. That's funny. Someone is singing "Wicked" show tunes at the top of their lungs outside your door. Oh, you wanted to use that towel to dry off with after your shower? Your roommate decided to snatch it and run so you had to sprint all the way back to your bedroom in your birthday suit. Based on true events.

With that being said, living in a sorority house is one of the best things I've ever done. It's a living situation that I'd never had before and that I'll never have again. It drove me crazy at times, but if I could turn back the clock and do it all over again, I would.

This year, I like to say that I had five roommates. Technically, I was in a 3-girl room with Katharine and Katie, but our three best friends (Laura, Kristin and Erin) lived directly across the hall from us. (Rooms 16 and 17 forever!)

I think I napped in Laura's bed about as often as I napped in my own. In fact, today while I was packing, I walked into their room to grab my DVDs when I discovered... My pants. On their floor. Proof that I had indeed napped in Laura's bed yesterday.

Anyway, the point of this is basically to brag about how awesome my friends are and to tell you that this was the best year of my life because of them. I'm not typically a sappy person, but I don't give them enough credit. They're pretty cool. 

Thanks for the memories, 820!

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